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Carers Forum


We need Carers to help with the Carers Forum.


What does the Carers Forum do?


The Carers Forum meets once every 3 months. The aim of the forum is for Carers to have a say in how your organisation (NSC) is being run.


It gives you the opportunity to tell us what is working well, what we need to change and any areas where we need to do more. We feel that this gives Carers an opportunity to have a say in the way in which the organisation moves forward and continues to meet the needs of Carers in the future.


If you feel you could assist us, we would be very pleased to hear from you. The meetings usually last approximately one and a half hours.


If you feel that you are able to be part of the forum,

please contact us here at the Carers Centre on 01782 793100.


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