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Beth Johnson Foundation Logo CMYK.jpg
Beth Johnson Foundation Logo CMYK.jpg
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Carer Catch Up 


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The Beth Johnson Foundation has been based in Stoke-on-Trent for nearly 50 years. It was set up in memory of Beth Johnson to offer services and support to local residents who are aged 50 and over.


Over the years, BJF has developed services that enable people to age well through health and wellbeing, advocacy and staying connected to their communities. Taking a whole community approach means that we are involved in intergenerational work, bringing younger and older people together, and in supporting carers.


In this digital age we have worked with older people and carers to understand the needs people have in accessing information and support online.

We are delighted to be a partner to the new SOT All Age Carers Support Service and we will:


Support carers to become more confident in using digital technology (whether that be phone, tablet or PC) and help them to understand broadband and connect their devices via existing Wi-fi provision


Support carers to use their skills to find online information and to understand the use of apps


Connect carers to BJF’s Healthy Generations project where they can join other people to improve their health and wellbeing


Enable carers to use digital technology to build networks and reduce their isolation.


For more information please see our website


To make a referral for this service please click here.

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