As the summer holidays approach, we are getting ready to release the trips/activities that we have organised.
At the time of writing this and when all the activities were booked COVID restrictions were still in place. Due to this reason, we have had to limit the number of Young Carers that can book on each activity.
We will be using Eventbrite again to book on to these.
Each activity will be on a first-come-first-served basis.
If the event says tickets are unavailable then, unfortunately, they are fully booked
Most of the activities are limited to 10 spaces and unfortunately, should restrictions be lifted more we will be sticking to these numbers.
Each activity has been labelled with an age range, please make sure when you book on you only book on an activity that your child age fits in, otherwise this will take a place away from another Young Carer who does fit in that age category.
We will be putting on FOUR activities over the summer and these will all be on Wednesdays.
Due to limited numbers to make it fair we are asking you to book your Son/Daughter on to ONLY ONE activity.
In addition to the FOUR, we are putting on a large group activity with more availability on WEDNESDAY 25th AUGUST 2021 as an extra trip. If you would like your son/daughter to book on to TWO activities, the other one MUST be this activity due to the additional spaces.
We will be using Eventbrite to book on to these activities. Each event will show:
What Activity it is
Age Range
Additional information on pick up, drop-offs and if a packed lunch is needed
In readiness, please signup to Eventbrite prior to us releasing our activities as this will a time saver on the day.
1. Head to and create an account.

2. Once you have created an account with your Email/Google/Apple or Facebook head to the following website and click follow on our event page.
This is the link we will be using to advertise all of our activities.

We will be releasing what activities we have on the 19th July at 3 pm so you can have a look at what we have planned and discuss which activity your son/daughter would like to go on, please don't message us to book on at this time. Tickets for all of these trips will go live on Eventbrite at 6PM on 19th JULY 2021 and this will be the only way you can book on to the activities. We are not accepting bookings through REMIND or by PHONE.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Young Carers Team