Carers Support Group
Monday 10am till 12pm
Venue : Temple Street Methodist Church and Community Centre
This support group for all Carers meets on a Monday morning.
All Welcome!
We discuss a variety of topics and end with a fun general knowledge quiz!
Support Groups
Carer Support Groups provide a great opportunity for Carers to meet, be heard and listened to whilst making friends and getting valuable support from one another.
Carers feel the benefit of taking timeout and meeting with other Carers in a relaxed environment, this kind of support and understanding of what each other are going through can often help to remove feelings of isolation and loneliness that can often overwhelm Carers. The groups also provide Carers with information to assist them in their caring role with occasional guest speakers offering practical information and advice on a variety of topics.
If you require any further information on our support groups
below please contact us on 01782 793100
Werrington Carers Group
Last Friday of each month
10.00 am - 12 noon
Werrington Library
This support group is for all Carers and we meet the last
Friday of each month.
Come along and join us for many fun activities and refreshments
No booking needed
Dementia Groups
Precious Memories
1st & 3rd Wednesday
of the month
2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
St James Church, Clayton
Golden Memories
2nd & 4th Wednesday
of the month
2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
at Church of Nazarene Fenton
Are you caring for someone with dementia? Then why not join us for a light hearted couple of hours with the opportunity to speak to staff about the difficulties you may have in your caring role.
Booking is required for the above groups.
Please call 01782 793100 for more details
Carer Led Groups
Carer led groups have arisen due to Carers expressing a particular interest in a
topic and wanting to share and develop this with other Carers.
For further information on the groups below contact North Staffs Carers on 01782 793100.
North Staffs Carers Photography Club
Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm
We don't teach photography at the North Staffs Carers Photography Club 2019, as there is much more than just having a camera and taking pictures.
We are a friendly sociable group where members can share their work, discuss techniques, allowing you to gain experience and confidence in using your camera, plus making good friends along the way!!!
Additional to the programme menu, we also arrange various events throughout the year, there is a list available of places of interest and most have a disability rating wherever possible.
Come and try out the Club!!!
We meet on a Wednesday between 10.00 am and 12 noon at Temple Street Methodist Church and Community Centre.
Arts and Crafts
Thursday 10.30 am - 12.00 noon
The arts, crafts and needlework club
is for all ages and abilities.
Come along and try something new
and make new friends.
This group meets weekly on a Wednesday morning at Temple Street Methodist Church and Community Centre
10.00 am - 12 noon no booking needed.